Home Builders, Remodelers Land Developers, Realtors Heating & Cooling Contractors Window & Door Companies Financial Institutions Insurance Agents Plumbing & Electrical Contractors Title Insurance Companies Gutter & Siding Contractors Local Utility Companies Lumber/Hardware Suppliers Home Improvement Stores Furniture & Electronics Stores Golf Courses, Restaurants AND MORE!
… In short, any company that benefits from a healthy building industry!
The Home Builders Association of Greater Peoria has partnered with the National Purchasing Partners (NPP) to provide HBAGP members discounts on many of their business purchases.
There is no additional cost for members to participate in this discount program.
Companies become members of their professional industry association for various reasons. Here are a few of the highlights members receive from their membership investment!
Builder Members - are companies actively involved in the construction of new homes, the remodeling of existing homes, or developing buildable land.
Associate Members - are companies that provide a product or service to the home building/home remodeling industry.
Home Builders Association of Greater Peoria 1599 N. Main Street - East Peoria, IL 61611 Phone 699-5500 Fax 699-5600